My Murals

Caribbean Artist, Caribbean Painting

There is a saying “ Be careful what you pray for”
but as I believe in prayer, God really does answer my prays.

As an Artist I have painted small 10 x 12 inch canvas’s up to larger pieces sized: 68 x 76 inches.

But I got to thinking I really dont want to paint smaller pieces anymore so prayed I would receive a commission to paint larger and indeed I got just that.

In May this year I began to work on 4 murals, theme Four Seasons based on mythology.

The panels are 11 foot high by 10 foot wide. Large!!

God certainly has a sense of humour!

I am working at the amazing luxurious NIRVANA Spa in Berkshire in the Coliseum Suite

A magnificent circular space with an amazing oxygenated poole.

My females I am painting are 9 foot tall, and my palette is colourful and fresh.
I am presently working on ‘Autumn’
She has a demanding presence about her, indeed a feeling of being drawn in to her world.
I am loving painting these beautiful large canvas’s. Watch this space for images………….

My Murals